
The Comprehensive Guide to Drone License: Requirements, Process, and Benefits

Last Updated: 11:00, 15 February 2024
author icon Written By: Benjamin Wilson

Hey there, fellow drone enthusiast! Over the past decade, I've seen drones evolve from simple toys to powerful tools used in various industries. If you're just starting out and looking for the Best Beginner Drone, this guide is for you.

If you're like me, passionate about these flying marvels, you might be considering turning your hobby into a profession. But before you soar into the skies, there's one crucial thing you need: a drone license. Let's dive into the world of drone licensing in the US.

Do You Need a Drone License?

The simple answer? It depends on your intentions. If you're flying just for fun, perhaps with one of the Best drones for kids, you're a recreational pilot.
But if you're looking to earn some cash, maybe with a drone with a camera, then you're entering the commercial realm.

The FAA's Part 107 regulations clearly state that for any commercial drone operations, a license is mandatory. And even for hobbyists, there's the Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) to consider. Remember, it's not just about following the rules; it's about ensuring safety for everyone.

In a nutshell:

  • Want to earn with your drone?
    Go for the Drone License.
  • Just flying for fun?
    TRUST is all you need.

A graphic illustration of a drone and a drone license with one arrow pointing to a happy smiley emoji and another pointing to a coin

On the subject of flying for fun, check out our list of the best FPV Drones.

Requirements for Obtaining a Drone License

Before you even think about the exam, there are some basic boxes to tick:

  • Age: You must be at least 16 years old.
  • Language: Proficiency in English is a must.
  • Health: Both mental and physical fitness are crucial.

You'll also need an FAA Tracking Number (FTN). Think of it as your unique identifier in the FAA's system. And for my fellow licensed manned aircraft pilots, there's some good news: you've got a slightly different path, but more on that later.

The FAA Drone License Exam

Alright, let's talk about the big one: the exam. It covers a range of topics, from drone maintenance to understanding airspace and weather patterns. And yes, those sectional charts and METAR reports? They're on there too. But don't sweat it. With the right preparation and maybe even practicing with a cheap drone to get a feel, you'll ace it. I remember my first time; I was nervous, but the sense of achievement after passing was unparalleled.

Alright, let's talk about the big one: the exam. It covers a range of topics, from drone maintenance to understanding airspace and weather patterns. And yes, those sectional charts and METAR reports? They're on there too. But don't sweat it. With the right preparation and maybe even practicing with a cheap drone to get a feel, you'll ace it. I remember my first time; I was nervous, but the sense of achievement after passing was unparalleled

Finding the Right Study Material for Your Drone License Exam

Navigating the world of drone licensing can feel like piloting through a stormy sky, especially when it comes to finding the right study materials. But there's no need to worry, thousands of people have already paved the way and made it easy to access the necessary resources:

FAA’s Official Resources:

Start with the source! The FAA offers a Preparation Guide for the Part 107 exam. It's comprehensive and, best of all, free. Dive into their sample questions and get a feel for what awaits.

Online Courses:

Over the years, I've seen numerous online platforms offering tailored courses for the Part 107 exam. Websites like UAV Coach and Drone Pilot Ground School have comprehensive courses, complete with video lessons, practice exams, and one-on-one support. They've been a beacon for many aspiring pilots.

Community Forums:

Join drone communities online. Platforms like DronePilots Central and PhantomPilots are goldmines of shared experiences, study tips, and even some insider exam hints. Remember, we're all in this together!

Local Workshops:

Sometimes, there's nothing like a hands-on approach. Check out local drone clubs or workshops as they know everything about the process, especially since all their members have most likely taken the exam. It's a nice way to Learn in a group setting, asking questions in real-time, and getting immediate feedback is always appreciated.

In conclusion, while the skies of drone exam prep might seem cloudy, with the right resources, you'll find your way. Equip yourself with the best tools, study with passion, and soon enough, you'll be soaring high with confidence. Happy studying!

Steps to Become a Certified Drone Pilot

  1. Get Your FTN:
    Start by creating an account on the FAA’s IACRA system.
  2. Schedule Your Exam:
    Find a local testing center and set a date.
  3. Pass the Exam:
    Aim for the stars, but remember, you need a 70% score to pass.
  4. Apply for Your License:
    After passing, complete the FAA Form 8710-13 on the IACRA website.
  5. Celebrate:
    In a few weeks, your official license will arrive in the mail. In the meantime, you'll get a temporary one to kickstart your career.

Benefits of Having a Drone License

Beyond the obvious legal reasons, having a drone license opens up a world of opportunities. From real estate photography to agricultural surveys, the demand for skilled drone pilots is skyrocketing. And trust me, the feeling of turning your passion into profits? It's golden. Plus, being licensed means you're recognized as a professional, giving you an edge in the market.


Drones are more than just flying gadgets; they're the future. And with a drone license, you're not just a part of that future; you're leading it. So, gear up, study hard, and I'll see you up in the skies!


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Benjamin Wilson
Benjamin, with a background in naval architecture, is passionate about RC boats. From sailboats to speedboats, he's sailed them all. Based in Florida, he's our anchor when it comes to all things aquatic in the RC world.
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